+263 (4) 369 960 [email protected]

Business Performance improvement Services

Capital Raising

Through our network of financiers we help our clients raise funding for working capital, capital expenditure, acquisition ofcompanies, among other requirements.

Micro finance

We assist our clients who need small to medium funds.

Money Transmission

This involves lawful movement of funds through the formal channels.


Strategic planning and management

The company has a wealth of experience in hands on strategic planning and management. We extend this service to our clients who are not in judicial management. We offer this service to our clients who are either struggling or doing well.

Results = Planning (effective) + Execution (effective and efficient)

Business Re-engineering

Through our teams we help our clients to realign their markets, products, processes, trading, working capital management and other arrangements for improved profitability and liquidity. The overall aim is to earn highest income at the least cost. All processes are reviewed and modelled for improved efficiency.

Corporate Governance, lnternal Controls

Many companies globally fail due to deficiencies in corporate governance structures and internal control systems. We therefore offer world class hands on solutions in these areas.

Restructuring of Assets & Liabilities

The company prides itself of vast experience in reconstructing the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) through
addressing key areas which include:
