+263 (4) 369 960 [email protected]

Judicial Care

This is a process aimed at saving a company from collapse. It is provided for and regulated by the Companies Act (Chapter 24:03). If not saved a company is then liquidated. Judicial management fees are paid by the company and are regulated.


Liquidation involves winding the company up in an orderly and fair manner as there will be no prospects of resuscitating it. The liquidation fees are paid by the company and are regulated.

Estate Planning

This involves the planning of one’s estate, will writing and administration of deceased estates. Where the deceased person had a will his/her estate will be distributed “testamentary” that is according to the will. Where the deceased died without a will this is called “intestate” and his/her estate will be distributed in accordance with the laws of the country. We help you write your will.

Business Performance improvement Services

The company has a wealth of experience in hands on strategic planning and management. We extend this service to our clients who are not in judicial management. We offer this service to our clients who are either struggling or doing well.